About Martin

Martin’s international career in International Development spans 10 years. He has led teams across Kenya, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia, Nigeria, South Africa and Somalia in developing regional communications strategies. More recently, he has been featured among 50 communications experts in the continent contributing to Africa’s socio-economic rise.

Tag #disruptiveinnovation #disruptivestrategy #strategyconsulting #hbsdisruptivestrategy #Hbs #HBXDisruptiveStrategy #harvardbusinessschool Martin Namasaka

Martin Namasaka on studying Disruptive Strategy at Harvard Business School (HBS)

This week, I received my certificate of Disruptive Strategy with Clayton Christensen delivered by Harvard Business School. This journey was fraught with special circumstances such as lots of traveling across Africa in between the course. During the course, I was delivering a regional strategy for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the

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