1. Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investment in Youth.  Published by the African Union (p.58).
    2. Strengthening Cross-Border Cooperation. Published by the Resilience Focus Magazine (p.30 and 34), by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) 2019.
    3. Anthropocentric Climate Change and Violent Conflict: Evidence Review and Policy Recommendations. Published by the Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change.
    4. Digital payments: Embracing UN principles for a responsible future.
    5. “There is no Ebola here”: lessons from Uganda and Liberia on the political economy of epidemics: Published by the Public Sphere Journal-a journal of international policy studies which aims to address some of today’s most important policy dilemmas via evidence-based research in economics and political science.
    6. The economic aftershock of coronavirus hits hard the Horn, East and Central Africa.
    7. Africa Climate Summit 2023: Forging a Greener Future
    8. An Exciting Revolution and Acceleration of African GreenTech Start-ups is Unfolding
    9. Enhancing GreenTech innovation and infusing technology in the public sector positions Africa as the next frontier for tech-enabled solutions and service delivery
    10. Why Kenya needs an inclusive digital transformation.
    11. Nairobi hosts global exchange workshop on Nationally Determined Contributions in partnership with Japan.
    12. Dissertation: “There is no Ebola Here”: Lessons from Uganda and Liberia on the Political Economy of Epidemics (Published by the International Public Sphere Journal in 2016).
    13. UNDP in Kenya welcomes the commitment from the Italian Cooperation to support the Consolidating Democratic Dividends for Sustainable Transformation Project.
    14. The Government of Germany Invests €505,000 in UNDP Kenya to Support the Consolidating Democratic Dividends for Sustainable Transformation in Kenya Project
    15. UNDP calls on partners to support the Government of Kenya to strengthen climate finance at the county level
    16. Japan funds forest and land restoration actions to combat climate change in Kenya
    17. President Uhuru sets an ambitious 30% target for forest cover by 2050 during the launch of Kenya’s Tree Growing Fund and campaign
    18. UNDP in Kenya welcomes a new € 4.7 million commitment from the European Union to support the Consolidating Democratic Dividends for Sustainable Transformation Project
    19. Over 20 volunteers feted at the Kenya volunteer of the year awards for their service
    20. A year since conflict erupted, nearly 7 million people still suffering in Northern Ethiopia as humanitarian catastrophe outpaces aid
    21. The missing peace: Recognise youths as brokers rather than breakers of peace in Kenya
    22. UNDP calls on partners to support the Government of Kenya to strengthen climate finance at the county level.
    23. Climate-fuelled La Niña in East Africa will drive millions into hunger. Published by Oxfam International
    24. Conflict compounded by Covid-19 and climate change pushes millions in Tigray to the brink – Oxfam
    25. Over 5 million people face extreme hunger as the Tigray conflict surges past six months – Oxfam
    26. Hunger linked to COVID-19 could kill more people than the virus itself: Oxfam
    27. Kenya Green Bonds Programme stakeholder forum between developers and bankers identifies robust pipel.
    28. More than 52 million people across Africa going hungry as weather extremes hit the continent.
    29. ‘Peace has brought back our income’: A Pact partner builds stability in a volatile African border region.
    30. From hard beginnings, a youth peace initiative in Kenya thrives with Pact and USAID support.
    31. The Economic Contributions of Artisanal & Small–Scale Mining in Kenya: Gold and Gemstones Published by Pact World.
    32. To foster peace in the Horn of Africa, Pact supports Turkana cultural festival.
    33. EAJ bolsters Somaliland Ministry of Justice communications capacity.
    34. EAJ facilitates coordination to improve access to justice for all.
    35. Expanding Access to Justice program builds capacity of partners on outcome mapping.
    36. FSD Africa and the Uganda Capital Markets Authority sign MoU to drive capital markets development in Uganda.
    37. Sierra Leone FinTech Challenge Finalists Announced.
    38. New swarms of locusts threaten to increase hunger in East Africa reeling from floods and coronavirus.
    39. Addressing the Double-Crisis of Locusts and COVID-19 in the greater Horn of Africa.
    40. Community-led action critical for locust livelihood response in the Greater Horn of Africa.
    41. The WASH specialist from Sihay: Coronavirus insights from an Ex-Oxfamer’s 15 years’ experience
    42. Law enforcers from six countries commit to protect rights of people living with HIV.
    43. Africa Refugee Summit concludes with call for enhanced refugee participation and self -representation.
    44. They matter: Time to care and unlock refugee women’s potential.
    45. Civic society in Horn, East and Central Africa increasingly inhibited despite some progress, says Oxfam.
    46. Urgent Anticipatory Action needed for Communities Impacted and at Risk of Re-infestation by Desert Locusts in the Greater Horn of Africa
    47. Somalia’s humanitarian localisation agenda: opportunities and barriers
    48. Thirty-nine organisations call on governments to ensure access to asylum seekers during the COVID-19 pandemic
    49. UNDP and Nairobi City County Government Join Forces to Transform Public Service Delivery
    50. UNDP’s study reveals high costs of access to digital financial services in Kenya, urges universal access to reduce inequality
    51. HRH Crown Princess of Sweden and HRH Crown Prince of Norway to visit United Nations Development Programme in Kenya